
Expert Help for all Plagiarism & Citation Issues

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Canvas Plagiarism Checker Experts

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Citation & Referencing Services

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Expert Chegg plagiarism Checker

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Expert Copyleaks Plagiarism Checker

5.00/5 average rating

Expert Grammarly Plagiarism Checker

5.00/5 average rating

Expert Plagiarism Checker X

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Expert Scribbr Plagiarism Checker

5.00/5 average rating

Expert Turnitin Plagiarism Checker

5.00/5 average rating

Formatting & Paraphrasing Services

5.00/5 average rating

Plagiarism Checker Services

5.00/5 average rating

Plagiarism Report Services

5.00/5 average rating

SafeAssign Plagiarism Checker Experts

5.00/5 average rating

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is plagiarism, and why is it important to avoid it?

Plagiarism involves using someone else's work or ideas without proper attribution, presenting them as your own. It's considered unethical and can lead to serious consequences in academic and professional environments. Avoiding plagiarism is crucial for maintaining academic integrity, respecting intellectual property rights, and demonstrating your understanding and contributions to a topic. By acknowledging sources properly, you avoid plagiarism and strengthen your work by showing thorough research and giving credit to the original authors.

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How does your service help in avoiding plagiarism?

Our service helps avoid plagiarism by thoroughly checking your work using advanced plagiarism detection tools. We identify any sections of your text that may be too similar to existing sources and help you rephrase or properly cite these areas. Additionally, we offer guidance on integrating sources effectively without plagiarizing, ensuring your work remains original and authentic. We aim to educate and assist you in developing good research and writing practices that naturally avoid plagiarism.

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What types of documents can you check for plagiarism?

We can check various documents for plagiarism, including academic papers, theses, dissertations, research proposals, essays, reports, and even professional documents like presentations and business plans. Our plagiarism detection tools are equipped to handle documents of various lengths and complexities, ensuring thorough and accurate checking across diverse types of content.

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Can you help with proper citation and referencing?

Yes, we provide comprehensive assistance in proper citation and referencing. Our service includes helping you understand different citation styles (like APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) and how to apply them correctly in your work. We can guide you in creating in-text citations, footnotes, endnotes, and bibliographies. Proper citation is key to avoiding plagiarism, and we aim to make this process easier and more understandable.

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How reliable are your plagiarism-checking tools?

Our plagiarism-checking tools are highly reliable. We use advanced, state-of-the-art software that scans your document against a vast database of academic papers, journals, books, and internet sources. This ensures comprehensive detection of potential plagiarism. However, our service goes beyond just using software; we also have experts who review the results and provide contextual analysis, ensuring high accuracy and reliability in our plagiarism checking.

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What happens if plagiarism is detected in my document?

If plagiarism is detected in your document, we provide detailed feedback on the plagiarized sections and offer guidance on addressing them. This might involve rephrasing the content, adding proper citations, or including quotations. We aim to help you rectify plagiarism issues, ensuring your work meets academic integrity standards. We also provide educational resources to help you understand and avoid plagiarism in future work.

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Is your plagiarism and citation service confidential?

Yes, our plagiarism and citation service is completely confidential. We understand the sensitivity and importance of your documents and ensure that your work is kept secure and private. We use encrypted document transfer systems and strict confidentiality policies to protect your information. Your documents and personal details are safe with us, and we do not share them with third parties.

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How quickly can you provide plagiarism checking and citation services?

The turnaround time for our plagiarism checking and citation services depends on the length and complexity of your document. However, we strive to provide fast and efficient service. Typically, we can return smaller documents (like essays or reports) within 24-48 hours. It may take a few days for longer documents (like theses or dissertations). We also offer expedited services for urgent requests. Our goal is to provide you with timely assistance while maintaining the quality and thoroughness of our review.

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Elevate Your Academic Integrity: How Plagiarism and Citation Help Can Save Your Grades

In today’s academic landscape, students are expected to produce vast amounts of written content, from essays to dissertations. With the increasing access to information via the internet, it becomes both easier and harder to maintain one’s academic integrity. On one hand, information is at our fingertips; on the other, the line between originality and unintentional plagiarism can often blur. However, understanding plagiarism and the power of proper citation can elevate a student's academic integrity and, in turn, save their grades.


In the vast expanse of the academic world, maintaining credibility and respect is not just about intelligence or diligence—it's also about integrity. While it's tempting to take shortcuts in an era of information overload, academic integrity stands as a guardian of originality and honesty. One significant lapse in this realm is plagiarism. But here's the twist: equipped with the right knowledge about plagiarism and citation, students can elevate their academic performance without compromising their integrity.

Understanding Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is the ethical code of the academic realm. It's a commitment to producing original work, avoiding deception, and giving due credit to other scholars' contributions. When students uphold these principles, they not only safeguard their academic reputation but also contribute positively to the broader knowledge community. Academic integrity, at its core, revolves around honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. It's a commitment that one's work will be an original contribution to a broader conversation. This pledge to authenticity safeguards not only the individual’s reputation but also upholds the credibility of institutions and the very essence of education. 

The Detriments of Plagiarism

But what exactly is plagiarism? At its core, it’s presenting someone else’s ideas, thoughts, or expressions as one’s own. However, it's not always a blatant copy-paste job. Sometimes, especially in APA style plagiarism, even if you paraphrase someone’s ideas without proper citation, it's considered deceitful. Plagiarism is more than just copying and pasting someone else's work. It includes borrowing ideas, paraphrasing without credit, and recycling one’s previous work. In an environment where information is easily accessible, some might think they can sneak in non-original content without repercussions. However, academic institutions have become increasingly adept at detecting such breaches.

The repercussions of plagiarism are multifaceted. Academically, it can lead to a failing grade or even expulsion. On a personal level, it tarnishes one's reputation and can induce guilt. Moreover, in professional spheres, allegations of plagiarism can ruin careers.

Why Do Students Plagiarize?

The reasons for this oversight vary. Some believe referencing an author's plagiarism might make their work seem less original. Others mistakenly think, "Is it plagiarism if you cite?" or "If you give the source, is it plagiarized?" The answer, however, lies in how you present that information. Simply mentioning a source doesn’t exempt you from the responsibility of proper citation. There can be multiple reasons for students to resort to plagiarism. Time crunches, feeling overwhelmed, or a simple lack of understanding about what constitutes plagiarism can often lead students down this path. It's a common misconception that changing a few words or sentences exempts one from citing a source. Others may genuinely ask, “If I’ve paraphrased, do I still need to cite?” Such ambiguities highlight the importance of educating students on the nuances of plagiarism and citation. 

Citation: The Shield Against Plagiarism

Citation brings us to the mighty shield—citations. Citations are acknowledgments of the sources you've used. Different academic disciplines prefer different citation styles, like APA, MLA, or Chicago. The key is to understand the chosen style and apply it consistently. Citing sources is the cornerstone of authentic research. Through proper citations, students acknowledge and respect the work of others, fostering an environment of trust. Each citation style, be it APA, MLA, or Chicago, provides a structured method to give credit where it's due. Beyond just avoiding accusations of plagiarism, correct citation practices provide readers with a roadmap to delve deeper, offering a clearer understanding of the research landscape.

A common query is, "Do you have to cite a source if you paraphrase?" or its variant, "Do you have to cite if you paraphrase?" The answer is a resounding yes! Paraphrasing is reshaping someone else's ideas in your own words, but the root idea isn't yours, hence the need for citation.

How Can Citation Help Save Your Grades?

By citing correctly, you’re not just avoiding potential plagiarism pitfalls. You’re showcasing the breadth of your research, crediting the scholars you've built upon, and adding credibility to your arguments. When professors see properly cited work, they recognize the effort and diligence, reflecting positively on your grades. By embracing the discipline of citation, students not only shield themselves from the pitfalls of plagiarism but also showcase the depth and breadth of their research. Properly cited papers exude credibility, demonstrating a student's commitment to thorough research and academic rigor. This diligence is often rewarded with better grades, as professors acknowledge the effort and authenticity. 

For instance, some students wonder, "Is in-text citation plagiarism?" In-text citations, when done correctly, act as immediate source recognizers, linking back to the detailed reference at the end of your work. Far from being plagiaristic, they are, in fact, a bulwark against it.

Seeking Expert Guidance: Is It Worth It?

In today’s digital age, many tools can help students ensure their work is original. Similar text checkers, like Turnitin or Grammarly, scan documents against vast databases to highlight potential matches, allowing students to rectify inadvertent overlaps.

But beyond digital tools, workshops and courses focusing on citation can be invaluable. Students often ask questions like, "How bad is a citation?" or "Is it plagiarism if you reference?" These courses demystify such doubts, guiding students on the nuances of citation and plagiarism. Seeking expert guidance, especially in specialized or unfamiliar domains, is an investment in growth and success. Tapping into the wealth of knowledge and experience of professionals can expedite learning, refine skills, and mitigate potential pitfalls. In a world saturated with information, distinguishing between credible insights and misinformation becomes crucial. Experts offer not just facts but nuanced understandings, strategies, and mentorship. The upfront cost or effort of seeking such guidance yields long-term benefits, from time saved to enhanced outcomes. Ultimately, expert advice can be a game-changer, providing clarity and direction in one's endeavors.

Best Practices for Maintaining Academic Integrity

To truly shield oneself from unintentional plagiarism:

  • Research thoroughly: Understand your topic in-depth, which helps authentically present information.
  • Keep organized notes: Distinguishing between your ideas and sourced content prevents failure to cite your sources properly.
  • Use citation tools: Tools or checkers can automate the citation process, ensuring consistency.
  • Understand paraphrasing: It's not about changing a few words here and there; it’s about understanding and presenting information anew.

Navigating the Digital Age: Tools and Resources

The digital era, while posing challenges, also offers tools to uphold academic integrity. Plagiarism detection software, like Turnitin or Grammarly, scans documents against a vast database, highlighting potential matches. Such tools, when used preemptively, can guide students in rectifying overlaps before submission. Moreover, numerous online platforms provide citation generators and guides, assisting students in the often daunting task of proper source acknowledgment. Navigating the Digital Age demands a deep understanding of available tools and resources. As technology evolves, it brings forth various platforms and software designed to simplify tasks, enhance productivity, and foster global connectivity. From cloud-based storage solutions to advanced artificial intelligence algorithms, the modern individual has an arsenal. Essential tools like plagiarism checkers, online learning platforms, and digital communication apps have revolutionized academia and professional landscapes. By harnessing these resources, individuals can not only keep pace with the ever-changing digital terrain but also optimize their endeavors for maximum efficiency and impact. 

Building a Future on Solid Ground

By investing time and effort into understanding the intricacies of plagiarism and citation, students build a foundation for future endeavors. Whether proceeding to higher academic pursuits, entering the research realm, or stepping into professional industries, honesty and authenticity remain universally revered. This strategy emphasizes the importance of laying a strong foundation for future endeavors. Whether in education, career, or personal growth, starting with a steadfast base ensures sustainability and success. Just as architects prioritize a building's foundation to withstand external pressures, individuals should focus on acquiring essential skills, values, and experiences early on. This foundation empowers them to face challenges head-on, ensuring a prosperous and resilient future.


In the quest for academic excellence, integrity is the unsung hero. While the terrain of scientific research and writing is vast and complex, equipped with the right knowledge about plagiarism and citation, students can navigate it confidently. Remember, the foundation of academia lies in sharing knowledge. By giving credit through proper citation, not only do you uphold this tradition, but you also ensure your work stands tall, credible, and respected. In the grand tapestry of academia, each student contributes a unique thread, colored by their perspectives and insights. By upholding academic integrity through vigilance against plagiarism and consistent citation practices, students ensure their contributions are genuine, valuable, and respected. The road might seem arduous, but with every correctly cited source and every original idea presented, students elevate their academic standing, ensuring their grades reflect their true potential.

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Authenticity Pledge

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